Pre-Order Alert: Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon WWE WrestleMania X 2-Pack on Amazon

A Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels WWE Elite WrestleMania X 2-pack is now up for pre-order at Amazon.

The pack is priced at $54.99 with a January 25, 2024, shipping date. Follow the link to order.

Included in the box set is a ladder, two Intercontinental Championships, vests for each wrestler, sunglasses and Ramon’s chains. Plus, some extra hands. Both head sculpts appear to be new.

As you’d expect, the packaging is spot on and looks like a VHS box from 1994.

If there’s one critique so far – and keep in mind these are prototypes so things can change – it’s a lack of chest hair on Michaels, which he did have during the match, albeit bit faint. Nevertheless, this is a big check off the want list a day before Comic Con.


  1. Pre-ordered mine because this is an iconic moment in history, plus I can never have too many Razors. But I will say this – I wish that they would have swapped to the thicker arms for Razor ( I use Ultimate Warrior for mine) and I wish they would get rid of the big kneepad mold. Or at least make them of a softer rubber because they are way too stiff to pose with comfortably.

    As well, I would like to see a better boot mold for Shawn, I know it’s a very specific mold but at the rate they are putting out classic Shawns, it doesn’t seem like too much of a waste. None of these are major issues, and can easily be fixed DIY style, but just stuff that I think holds them back.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good points. The only major issue I have is the chest hair since we already saw this figure (essentially) in the Elite Flashback line. Still, it’s a must-get set for me. I’m with you on these long knee pads. Definitely could do without them.


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