Mattel WWE Marketing Chief on Solo’s Torso, New Packaging, Bruno’s Trunks, Best of Legends & More

Steve Ozer, Mattel WWE global brand marketing manager, shared some insights into today’s reveals on the WrestlingFigs.com message board. Among the questions he answered related to the lack of revision to Solo Sikoa’s torso choice.

“The attempt was made but it wasn’t possible this time,” he wrote. However, “any future figs will absolutely have a different torso.”

So for now, those unhappy with this Solo will either have to fix him themselves or wait.

Ozer answered several other questions. Here are some of the highlights:

On The Rock as Scorpion King re-release, Ozer said he believes the figure is an exact re-release.

The Best of Legends will be exclusive to Target in the U.S, and is “dependent on retailer interest” in international markets. The Best of wave will be in addition to Target’s quarterly waves.

The Legends release of Bruno Sammartino reuses the existing head sculpt but “his trunks were updated to green.”

Asked why Bron Breakker didn’t have sculpted trunks on the final product, “design made the change to give him thicker legs.”

Best of Ultimate Edition “Stone Cold” Steve Austin has pinless arms.

New Elite packaging starts with Elite 105. Reminder that the lineup feature Io SKy, Bruan Strowman, Carmelo Hayes, Scott Steiner, Johnny Gargano and Dominik Mysterio. The packaging will have windows.

Ultimate Edition Bobby Lashley is too far along in production to change the screaming head sculpt to eyes shut.

Best of Ultimate Edition Ultimate Warrior’s new torso with butterfly joints was Mattel “pushing the limits of what can be done in particular slot types, these being re-release slots. Warrior was just the first where the torso update was doable.”

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