Bookmark This Link: Kenny Omega AEW Supreme Walmart Exclusive

The link is live for the upcoming Walmart exclusive AEW Supreme collection Kenny Omega action figure. Although orders aren’t currently being accepted, you should favorite this link to be ready for when it goes live. Follow this link.

The list price for the figure is $42.97.

H/t: Wrestling Figure News Network

1 comment

  1. I saw that they were taking orders, at least, it seemed like it. So I went ahead and ordered one, got it a few days later and it was a Cody Rhodes (in terrible condition) So I started a return…

    Cut to today and I was in a local Walmart with no intention of finding it, and got my hands on two. I’m never lucky, but this time, I felt like it. Now I have one for MoC and one to display with my other Kennys.


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